Io sto imparando

Il lunedi,  io seguo un corso di lingue di italiano.  Ho ancora tanto da imparare. 
On Monday, I follow an Italian course. I still have a lot to learn.

Le immagini da Milano, 2011


La Mostra- The exhibition
 Le Biciclette- The bicycles
You can hire these to ride around the city. An Italian version of our 'Boris Bikes'.
 L'arancia gassata- Fanta, Fizzy Orange (and dirty dinner plates ;-p)
 Cioccolata calda- Hot chocolate
 Biglietti- Tickets
 Viale- Avenue

L'albergo- Hotel

Images from Milan,2011

After  university I decided to carry out activities that were pending on my post-graduation to-do list, one of these tasks was to learn a new language. I chose to study Italian because I had a wonderful time holidaying there last year and I really love eating Italian food. My journey of learning the Italian language has been good so far because I always devote 15 minutes a day to practice what I have already learned. I always try different ways of revising new words, grammar ... so the passion does not wear thin. I enhance my learning experience by:

1)Following Transparent language Italian on Twitter and reading their blog
2)Practicing activities on the BBC's Italian language site
3)Watching Commissario Montalbano
4)Reading parts of La Reppublica
5)Listening to Italian songs                                  


So I challenge everyone reading this blog to learn a new language or something you have always wanted to learn and stick to it!

Ciao tutti.

Funny Pai Pai

 On top of the fridge!

 Lick lick!

Eyes closed tight.

 Cool for the summer.
Tug of war.

In Reading?

 Close up.

My cat can be hilarious sometimes.